Ronny Graupe (git) on WhyPlayJazz

Ronny Graupe – Guitar, Born in Karl - Marx – Stadt, 1979;
Member of the youthjazzbigband saxony and 1st price winner of the youth competition "Jugend musiziert – Jugend jazzt", 1997 in saxony.
Studied music at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" Leipzig with Richie Beirach and Christian Röver and the "Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium" in Copenhagen, Denmark.
1998 - 2001 member of the „Bujazzo“ under the leadership of Peter Herbolzheimer.
2001 Jazzprice of Leipzig and the Marion Ermer Stiftung.
2003 the trio "Hyperactive Kid" with Philipp Gropper - Sax und Christian Lillinger - Drums was founded.
2004 the trio "Ronny Graupes Spoom" with Jonas Westergaard - Bs and Christian Lillinger - Drums was founded.
2004 moved to berlin.
He works currently with the following bands > Gropper/Graupe/Lillinger formerly known as Hyperactive Kid, Ronny Graupes Spoom, Aberratio Ictus, Yellow Bird, Uli Kempendorffs Field, Rolf Kühn Unit, Dejan Terzic´Melanoia, Andreas Tschopp´s Bubaran, Henning Sieverts Symmethree a. o.
Played concerts in Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Portugal, France, Italy, Turkey, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Venezuela, Ireland, Czech Republic, England, Burkina Fasso, the Ivory Coast, Cameron, Nigeria, on the Philippines and in the USA.
He is a member of the Jazzkollektiv Berlin.
Since 2011 he is teaching jazz guitar and ensemble playing on the University of the Arts in Bern.
The newest releases in 2016 will be >
Ronny Graupe - The White Belt (with Jonas Westergaard and Christian Lillinger) (Pirouet Records);
Gropper/Graupe/Lillinger formaly known as Hyperactive Kid – Riot (WhyPlayJazz)


(2016, CD)
Heal the Rich
Uli Kempendorff’s Field
(2016, CD)
Ictus Irritus
Aberratio Ictus
(2015, CD)
10 Year Anniversary Live
(2015, Vinyl LP)
seriell, nicht seriös
Benjamin Weidekamp Quartett
(2014, CD)


Ronny Graupe, Philipp Gropper, Christian Lillinger